Custom Challenge Coins For Volunteers

Look at any successful group or organization and you will see volunteers at the heart of it. Without the assistance of these kind-hearted men and women many non-profits and charitable organizations would fall by the wayside. The workload is often too much for these groups to handle by themselves. That’s why it’s critical to have multiple volunteers on staff in the event that the demand is greater than the supply.
A Personalized Gift With a Story to Tell
Custom challenge coins like the one pictured here are great gifts to give to volunteers and returning volunteers. Not only do these items serve as a thank you gift from the parties receiving the aid, they also become memorable keepsakes that capture an important moment in the recipient’s life. Due to their personalized nature, a challenge coin can be consider valuable because of the story it tells.
The Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America’s Veterans for all of their sacrifices. They transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. so that they can visit and reflect at their memorials. According to the group’s website, top priority is given to terminally ill and senior Veterans, particularly those serving in World War II.
The double sided challenge coin that we created for the organization is rich in detail and symbolic in meaning. Right down to the red, white, and blue flag included in the artwork, we took great care to make sure that our vision of what the customer relayed to us was right on target.
Paying Volunteers the Ultimate Respect
Volunteers receiving an award for their efforts will feel encouraged to do even more work for The Honor Flight Network. That’s because they will feel honored and appreciated. When you take a moment to thank a person for their time and service, you pay them the ultimate respect. It isn’t enough to verbally express yourself these days. A small token appreciation often does the trick.
Custom Challenge Coins Offer Options
Custom challenge coins are unique. They can be created in a way that draws attention to your group or organization. Ranging in size from small to oversized, their weight and appearance alone give them value.
If you wanted to create challenge coins of your own, you have a variety of options. In fact, you would first need to decide if you wanted single sided or double sided coins. Next, you would want to choose what image or photograph you would want featured on the coin. Last but not least, you would need to know what you wanted your challenge coin to look like based on your design ideas.
Would you like it to be a different shape than round? What kind of edge do you want it to have? Would you like a 3D image on it? Once you have decided on these factors, you’re ready to order your custom challenge coins.
The process is simple. Fill out our free quote form online, email or call us toll-free at 1-800-952-0305. We can’t wait to hear your ideas for your next batch of volunteer challenge coins!